Daily Devotional

I Will Love Good Books

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Guarding the Avenues to the Soul

Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. 1 Timothy 4:13 -- {ML 89.1}

God has given to His people the choicest reading matter. Let the Word of God find a place in every room in the house. Keep the Bible, the bread of life, in plain sight. Let the money spent for magazines be spent instead for publications containing present truth, and let them be given a prominent place in the home. With all safety these may be placed before the children and youth. Novels should not find a place in the homes of those who believe in Christ. Do not keep before the youth that which is represented as wood, hay, and stubble, for it will poison the appetite for that which is represented as gold, silver, and precious stones. The inclination for light, trashy reading is to be strictly denied. -- {ML 89.2}

Keep choice, elevating literature ever before the members of the family. Read our books and papers. Study them. Become familiar with the truths they contain. As you do this, you will feel the influence of the Holy Spirit. Every moment of life is precious, and should be spent in preparing for the future immortal life. Let the mind be stored with the elevating, ennobling themes of the Word of God, that you may be ready to speak a word in season to those who come within the sphere of your influence. The reading of our publications will not make us mental dyspeptics. None of us will receive the bread of life to our injury, but as these books are read, the mind will be furnished with that which will establish the heart in the truth. -- {ML 89.3}

We must prepare ourselves for most solemn duties. A world is to be saved.... In view of the great work to be done, how can anyone afford to waste precious time and God-given means in doing those things that are not for his best good or for the glory of God? -- {ML 89.4}

From My Life Today page 89.

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